




Team Audio媒合游戏开发团队与业界最优秀的人才,但真正让我们脱颖而出的是我们对于中间环节及细节的注重。我们对于音频业务以及制作方面丰富的经验,再加上对于流程和系统管理的专精,提供了我们的客户享受最高质量的合作经验。客户选择与Team Audio合作是因为他们可以全然且放心地把音频的任务交给我们处理,而他们可以把心思更专注的放到项目开发的其他部门上。


Team Audio的品牌声誉关乎我们的存亡,也因此我们严谨的筛选合作对象、始终信守我们的承诺以及对于开发环节和系统的注重。 Team Audio对于所给予服务的承诺不丝一苟。


Team Audio缜密的团队网络由来自世界各地的个人以及音频团队所组成,我们拥有各种经验程度和音频开发制作各领域的人才。



Team Audio的价值在于对于高互动质量的经营。我们以尊重、耐心以及包容的态度对待我们的团队成员以及客户,并且重视关怀彼此间的合作关系。






对于人际关系的质量、工作的成效以及业务经营上我们从不马虎。对我们而言,每一次与团队内部或是客户间的交流都很重要。因此Team Audio在对内对外的窗口总是能够展现出我们最专业的一面。




Team Audio的远端工作模式得以让团队囊括来自世界各地的精英。这也意味着我们的团队成员有机会能够与您在同一个时区下工作,且与您使用您最熟悉的语言沟通。请参阅以下的图表进一步了解我们团队目前在世界各地的分布。我们的团队倡导多元化的进步价值,并期待您能够成为我们在未来的长期合作对象。 如需更多资讯,欢迎与我们联系!

A map of the world showcasing all of the countries Team Audio resides in


Ariel Gross Headshot

Ariel Gross


Ariel Gross is the Founder of Team Audio. Above all, what matters is the people.

Kat Wenske Headshot

Kat Wenske

Executive Producer

Audio director, sound designer & executive producer, Kat believes in people-centered leadership and the art of storytelling.

Chris Rickwood Headshot

Chris Rickwood

Music Director

Chris Rickwood is best known for creating dramatic musical scores for video games.

Kyle Vande Slunt

Sound Supervisor

Kyle Vande Slunt has been designing sound for games, linear media, and interactive art since 2005.

Roel Sanchez Headshot

Roel Sanchez

Technical Audio Director

Roel Sanchez is a technical audio director and award winning sound designer that is pushing the boundaries of interactive audio.


Alec Viera Headshot

Alec Viera

VO Editor & Sound Designer

Alec Viera is a narrative stalwart based in Greater Seattle, WA.

Alex Haisting Headshot

Alex Haisting

Technical Sound Designer

Alex Haisting is a game audio specialist who has a strong passion for technical audio, acoustics, and tools.

Alex Maury

Sound Designer

Alex is a Sound Designer from Medellín, Colombia, who loves crafting audio that captivates audiences into immersive experiences.

Andres Carmona Headshot

Andres Carmona

Sound Designer

Passionate about technology and driven by creativity, Andres loves creating captivating soundscapes.

Brandon Bray

Senior Sound Designer

A veteran game dev of nearly 18 years

Bryce Pritchett Headshot

Bryce Pritchett


With nearly a decade in games, Bryce has worked in various QA and Production roles.

Byron Evora Headshot

Byron Evora

Senior Sound Designer

Team Audio’s resident adrenaline junkie.

Chloe Howard

Administrative Assistant

Based out of Maryland, Chloe is the Teams resident Administrative Assistant.

Clark Crawford Headshot

Clark Crawford

Senior Sound Designer

An audio mercenary with a quarter century of professional experience in both the game and film industries.

Clay Barlow Headshot

Clay Barlow

Senior Sound Designer

Clay is a sound designer with over 15 years of experience working with industry leaders.

Dan Richer

Senior Sound Designer

Dan is an all-rounder game audio specialist based in Montreal, Canada that constantly seeks to push the envelope.

Dave Benjamin Headshot

Dave Benjamin

Senior Audio Programmer

Dave is a software engineer and musician from East Bay, California.

DK Chow Headshot

DK Chow

Consulting Audio Director

DK Chow has spent 15 years leading front-to-back audio efforts, producing, creating, and launching more than a dozen games.

Dom Caterina

Dom Caterina

Sound Designer

Dom is Montreal-based sound designer who’s had his hands in a variety of different audio fields throughout the years.

Eric Lorenz Headshot

Eric Lorenz

Senior Sound Designer

Eric Lorenz is a Sound Designer based out of Atlanta, Geogria.

Erick Natera

Sound Designer

Erick is passionate about video games and any kind of digital entertainment, he’s an audio engineer with a thirst for knowledge.

Gautam Ramdas Photo

Gautam Ramdas

Technical Sound Designer

Gautam is a game audio specialist who enjoys working at the cusp of sound design and technology.

Max Folcolini Headshot

Max Folcolini

Sound Designer

Max is a Sound Designer & Music Producer.

Michael DeFreitas


Michael is a software engineer planted firmly in his native San Francisco Bay Area with decades of experience splitting his time between fixing and creating bugs.

Nate Bonisteel Headshot

Nate Bonisteel

Sound Designer

Nate is a lifelong gamer and always knew Sound Design was what he was born to do.

Nich Mebane Headshot

Nich Mebane

Technical Sound Designer

Nich is an audio developer for games and interactive media with a passion for high quality and immersive audio.

Peter Cormie


With over 7 years experience managing and shipping a diverse genre of games, he continues to perfect his craft and ensure team’s reach their full potential.  

Rodrigo Ferzuli

Technical Sound Designer

Rodrigo is a Tech Sound Designer specialized in non-linear audio solutions and their application in the game development industry.

Sarah Kelly Jones

Operations Producer

Sarah is an all around operations powerhouse.

Zachary Woomer Headshot

Zachary Woomer

Sound Designer

A story-comes-first loyalist, Zachary has a unique approach to sound design.   
